Creative Expression with Jerico Mandybur


Chapter 2

This was such a fun conversation with Jerico. We chatted about self expression, magic and her creative process. She has such a beautiful way of expressing herself creatively and I was so curious to hear more about her process.

Jerico gave such perspective to nuanced creativity and expression. Saying she isn’t one to live by the narrative that says consistency is key. Instead, she follows her own flow. She sits in the silence. She shares when she has something to say. And something I loved is that often she shares without editing, saying the idea of looking at her creative expression through the lens of a copywriter wasn’t her thing.

We talked about magic and how sometimes we get caught up in this desire to prove that magic is real. And we ask for more and more proof, over and over again. The invitation we played with was, what if we released the need for proof? As we reflected on our own experiences with magic, we noticed when we stopped thinking we needed proof things started happening! It was fun to think about this shift of perspective. Opening our eyes to the possibilities instead of focusing so much on one particular outcome or recreation of an experience.

I hope you enjoy this conversation and the energy that Jerico brings as much as I did. It was so fun and I am so excited to share this with you!


Your STAR (Stellar Transformational Act of Reverence) is to drop in with the question, what do I need to know to co-create a Prosperous New World with the Great Mother? Pull a Tarot or Oracle card. Drop in and notice what information the card has for you today. Then post the picture of your card inside of our Devoted Community Discord channel.

This podcast series is a part of the STAR (Stellar Transformational Act of Reverence) challenge hosted in our Devoted Discord. If you would like to play, join us at

Jerico Mandybur

Jerico Mandybur.png

Jerico Mandybur (they/she) is a multi-passionate best-selling author and an award-winning creativity coach and consultant. Their books are Neo Tarot, Daily Oracle, and the new deck Pleasure Oracle. An accomplished editor and writer, their work has appeared in publications like Vogue, New York Times, The Guardian, Elle, and more. Jerico was the host of the podcasts Self Service and Beyond Belief, is a registered meditation teacher, and reads tarot professionally. Her mission is to help women and NB visionaries unlearn perfectionism, own their cringe, and liberate their joy through intuitive creative expression——so they can tell their story, make their stuff, and change the world for the better.

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Sora Schilling

Sora Schilling is a sacred space holder, strategy alchemist, transformative business coach, powerful medicine woman, energy healer, international retreat leader, inspirational speaker, fire igniter, heart whisperer, and world traveler.

As a spiritual energy coach, Sora is here to guide coaches and luminaries to create a Prosperous New World through energy work, mindset, archetypes, and the DEVOTED Way. It’s time to embody the Well-Thy Wise Woman archetype.

Sora works with sovereign spiritual folks to incorporate the art of feeling sacred on their Cosmic Warrior Priestess path through earth-based practices. She loves to help people embrace their medicine while sitting in ceremony. She leads highly intuitive individuals and groups through powerful experiences in her Devoted Way Initiate journey, Devoted Energy Coaching school, mastermind, on retreats, and from the stage. Sora blends real-world experience with mystical transformation, ritualistic practices, inner reflection, and innovative circle work to help luminaries create great impact within their communities.

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