Welcome to Devoted Way

You are like no other Divine creature on this Earth - in this world.

You know it’s time to release all the stories that have been programmed into you that have limited your connection to the Great Mother.

The depth of your compassion swells in your chest, for you are here to be of great service. There is no other reason you were placed on this planet at this time but to devote yourself to the alchemical process and guide others to do the same.

You’ve cut through the illusion and with a sword in one hand and a chalice in the other

- you know it is time to embrace your mystical nature and show the world how precise and breathtaking your medicine is.

Drink from the sacred well and walk through the portal onto the Devoted Way path.

Blessings, dear one.

My name is Sora Schilling, and I am humbly your guide on this sacred journey into the cosmic realm.

This mystical path is for the courageous, compassionate, and curious soul who knows it is time to seek guidance and wisdom from within. You’ve outgrown the need to prove yourself and attach yourself to teachers or teachings that are outside of your lineage. You are ready to decolonize the layers of your spiritual practices; helping you return home to the Great Mother.

It’s time to hone in on your intuition, become proficient at energy work, and live life based on your design; your unique blueprint encoded with stardust from the ethereal realm and blood from those that have come before you. You know what to do and how to be - trust in yourself.

BE A PART OF OUR COsmically Blissful Membership

Spiritual Business Group

Cosmically Blissful

A membership that brings together Coaches + Healers who desire community and Business Support.

A space that invites you into the acausal realm and take you on a collective journey into the heart so that you may taste the potency of your own transformational magic and create a deeper relationship with the Great Mother.


They are (w)holy beings who are ready to give and receive support so that their businesses may thrive by being the embodiment of their medicine and making aligned business choices from the heartspace.

Order A CHANNELED DEvotional Life Book

Devotional Life Book

This is a channeled reading that incorporates your Devoted Archetype, Human Design, soul’s mission and so much more. This beautiful and colorful in-depth book will be sent to you within 4 weeks time as a downloadable PDF. It is an interactive book filled with channeled messages, mystical insights, meditations, rituals, sacred practices, journal prompts, and so much more. No book is the same. 

You are the Cosmic Unifier, the creator of your prosperous new world. Through chaos, you bring order. Through illogic, you bring your insights. Through the darkness, you plan your vision. Through your spiritual unrest, you birth new creations.

In this portal, you learn the mysteries of life in order for you to be the fullest expression of your Magic + Medicine. You shall discover through your intuition how to live an abundant life that is filled with faith, ease, grace, and aligned action. This is your prosperous new world, your devoted way and it is yours to birth and yours alone, among other incredible souls who are called to do the same brave work.

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