Sora is a potent alchemist that has helped me see through the veils each time we meet.

— Glo

I love working with Sora! She is a potent alchemist that has helped me see through the veils each time we meet. I feel safe traveling with her through energetic realms and I find clarity moving forward as lessons toward my intentions from our time together immediately express themselves through my experience for my learning and practice. Her approach is grounding and direct with a wealth of knowledge and respect of your essence offering inquires, insight, and encouragement so you may discover and reclaim your deepest truths. 


I am an Associate Creative Director with 10+ years of industry experience in Boston, Los Angeles and Seattle. In that time, I have led the digital vision on numerous high-profile projects. Enter my site and you'll see some of those projects yourself!

The first day after our session $10,000 came into my bank account. But even more than this, Sora’s incredible INSIGHT has given me freedom from generations of misunderstanding around currency.


Since the energy work we together, I received two surprise retreat bookings at 3500 and 2800€ (and no one in Europe is booking retreats right now!)