Megan Seamans


Megan Seamans is a double certified Energy Coach and Human Design Guide who helps people tap into their magic and reawaken their own unique energetic blueprint.

Centered on ease, she coaches people to shed layers of conditioning so they can crystallize their wild visions into reality.

After helping hundreds of humans around the globe, Megan’s been named the Clarity Queen as her coaching provides rapid clarity for people to go from frozen in time to magnetically in motion.

Megan’s clients are found ditching their draining 9-5’s for work that lights them up, finally starting the business of their dreams, going back to school, doubling their income, traveling the world, and writing their own version of an extraordinary life.

You’ll find Megan sharing her joy and wisdom on places like Tiny Buddha, Elite Daily, and numerous podcasts. 

When Megan is not coaching, you might find her on an airplane off to somewhere new.


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Sora Schilling

Sora Schilling is a sacred space holder, strategy alchemist, transformative business coach, powerful medicine woman, energy healer, international retreat leader, inspirational speaker, fire igniter, heart whisperer, and world traveler.

As a spiritual energy coach, Sora is here to guide coaches and luminaries to create a Prosperous New World through energy work, mindset, archetypes, and the DEVOTED Way. It’s time to embody the Well-Thy Wise Woman archetype.

Sora works with sovereign spiritual folks to incorporate the art of feeling sacred on their Cosmic Warrior Priestess path through earth-based practices. She loves to help people embrace their medicine while sitting in ceremony. She leads highly intuitive individuals and groups through powerful experiences in her Devoted Way Initiate journey, Devoted Energy Coaching school, mastermind, on retreats, and from the stage. Sora blends real-world experience with mystical transformation, ritualistic practices, inner reflection, and innovative circle work to help luminaries create great impact within their communities.

Cayla Merrill