3-DAY Space Holding Training
for Coaches, Healers, and Sacred Circle Facilitators
Devoted Circle Training
Become an exceptional Space holder
February 14-16, 2025
3 Live Sessions Daily
time: 3-5pm et (NY time)
$5 USD
Guide others to powerfully step into their soul work by embracing your ritualist, ceremonialist, and facilitator self. This online event will enhance your knowledge around space holding while while also giving you the tools necessary to begin offering circle work as a business.
Sneak PeEk Into Running Your Circle + Space Holding Business
These are the incredible shifts you’ll experience inside of this mystical 3-DAY circle training so that you may unlock your magical space holding and energy coaching abilities:
Magic + Medicine is an Essential Element of Transformational Leadership
Evolution cannot happen from thoughts alone. Your innate magic + medicine—your soul’s essence—are what naturally bring forth transformation within your clients. These qualities ignite the alchemical process of creativity, imagination, and intuition, creating incredible experiences that build a movement. On Day 1, we’ll explore the Devoted Archetypes, which will help you connect with these innate qualities.
Incorporating the ROSES method, we will also learn to streamline your approach to circle work. Embrace this intuitive flow to enhance your transformational leadership and create spaces that are both powerful and authentic.
Being in Circle + Community is an Invaluable Part of Being a Confident Space Holder
This day emphasizes the importance of witnessing and participating in sacred spaces, understanding that the true power of space holding comes from a place of receptivity and connection, rather than from the pressure to perform or create transformation for others. By being part of these circles, you learn the subtleties of energy work and how dynamic interactions can profoundly shape the circle’s atmosphere. Join us to see how attending as a student enriches your ability to hold space confidently and compassionately, creating a clean and clear environment.
You will experience the unique joy and transformation that comes from simply being present and allowing yourself to be held.
Sacred Circles, Retreats & Coaching—Building a Thriving Business on Your Terms
Your business is more than just the spaces you hold—it’s a living, breathing expression of your soul’s work. Whether you’re weaving magic through circles, leading transformative retreats, or coaching clients on their path, the key to sustainability is learning how to turn your gifts into a thriving, abundant business.
Inside this training, you’ll experience how sacred work and smart business strategy go hand in hand. You’ll see how building a business through aligned offers—your circles, retreats, and coaching—creates steady growth, deep impact, and financial flow.
Through intentional community-building, you’ll learn how to cultivate a space that keeps your people engaged, inspired, and eager to journey with you. Business doesn’t have to feel like a solo endeavor—it can be filled with collaboration, ease, and momentum when you create a community that naturally fuels your work.
Get ready to explore what’s possible when you bring structure, strategy, and soul into your work, transforming your passion into a sustainable, expansive business that supports you as much as you support others.
Devoted Circle Training is for you if...
you desire to grow your business
you are committed to deepening relationships with other humans
you weave time to be fully present for the work
you desire to explore your archetypes
you yearn to create a circle and need encouragement and guidance
you are unclear as to what your own unique circle medicine looks like
DEVOTED Circle Training is NOT For you if...
you are not ready to meet your soul medicine on this circle journey
you do not desire to craft your own unique path
you are unwilling to create time to do the circle work
you are unable to commit to your own circle practice
you cannot be fully present
Devoted Circle Training
Become an exceptional Space holder
February 14-16, 2025
3 Live Sessions Daily
time: 3-5pm et (NY time)
$5.00 USD
Hold out your left hand so I may lace my fingers into yours.
As you extend your right, you find yourself wrapped in warmth as another divine being cups her hand over yours.
And so the circle begins to take shape and form.
Devoted Circle Training is a 3-DAY virtual ceremony experience.
It is an intimate calling from the soul, and when you feel it, there is no going back. There is a yearning from the heart to sit with other divine beings and be met with openness, compassion, and reverence that shatters the armor or masks that we keep on as protection from the material world.
Dear one, I know you are exhausted from all the virtual events. You may have attended many sacred circles online, and you are unsure if you can dedicate your mind, body, and spirit in front of the computer yet again.
I completely understand.
And. You desire to hold sacred circles or fine-tune your space-holding abilities.
You are a coach, healer, and luminary that offers online experiences.
You are crying for meaningful conversations after not connecting with friends, community members, clients, and whether you identify as an extrovert or introvert, you are at the edge of unraveling because you have not been immersed in groups for a very long time.
You are craving new friendships as this year brought you to a clear place on who you are, and some old connections have fallen away.
The entire time we are together, we will be playing in the liminal space with the Great Mother. As the seasons shift, we find ourselves ready to blossom with a renewed sense of hope tingling in our bones.
Do you feel the Energy of those being called into Sacred space?
Hello, I’m Sora.
This circle training is founded on the Sacred Circle Training, which I have led for 10 years. I have held priestess ceremonies and sacred circle trainings in more than 12 countries, training over 2000 divine beings.
It had been my life’s work for so long, and I am ready to bring that delicious experience online for you.
A Little Bit about me…
Sora Schilling is a sacred space holder, strategy alchemist, transformative business coach, corporate leadership consultant, powerful medicine woman, business healer, international retreat leader, inspirational speaker, fire igniter, heart whisperer, and world traveler.
Sora is the producer of Sora TV + Sacred Business Podcast, a co-producer of Priestess TV, and the Stay Sacred Journal, author. She is honored to have birthed Priestess Temple School with her dear sister, friend, and colleague, Julie Parker.
Sora works with sovereign spiritual folks to incorporate the art of feeling sacred into their business through earth-based practices.
Sora loves to help people embrace their medicine while sitting in ceremony. She leads highly intuitive individuals and groups through powerful experiences in her mastermind, on retreats, and from the stage. Sora blends real-world experience with mystical transformation, ritualistic practices, inner reflection, conscious communication, and innovative circle work to help luminaries create great impact within their communities.
I Believe Magic is ReaL.
Coaches and healers are here to come together to ignite their mystical powers in devotion to the Great Mother.
Be charged by source, popping you out into unexpected places.
Activate the heart for that is where your journey begins.
Surrender into unexplainable powers that come from a simple knowing.
Be in full devotion of living as a mystical healer, otherwise known as an energy coach.
ENter the TEmple
Step into the sacred space of
Circle work and expand your
Capacity to give, receive, and
Grow in business and life.
Burn it all down and prepare
For a rebirth of yourself with a
Community of folks ready to
Witness your liberation.
Rise Up from the ashes of fear
To honor the wise leader within
And fully meet life’s beauty,
Grace, and abundance with ease.
Sacred Inclusive Spaces
It is important to me that a sacred, safe, inclusive space is created for all participants in the Devoted Circle Training.
I fiercely believe not everything has to be a transactional exchange with money as the powerful currency. Rather, the currency of sacred economy is the divine exchange of time, wisdom, and heart with mutual respect and reverence. Here os my ask:
Commit to being fully present the entire time - notice even after you say yes how you may create excuses as to why you cannot fully participate in this self study experience and return to a state of devotion to your soul and our sacred contract.
Devoted Circle Training
February 14-16, 2025
3 Live Sessions Daily
time: 3-5pm et (NY time)
$5.00 USD
Please note each training is 2 hours long.
Where: You live in North America, UK, or Europe
(LA / NY / London)
When: Fri - Sun
Start Time: 12pm LA / 3pm NY / 8pm London
End Time: 2pm PST / 5pm EST / 10pm London
Where: You live in Australia, Asia, or New Zealand
(Melbourne time below)
When: Sat - Mon
Start Time: 7am AEDT
End Time: 9am AEDT

Past participants have shared that the training has helped them to move through the fire of:
frustration and overwhelm
pain and heartache
hustle and anxiety
To reach the other side and yes, friend, there is another side where there is...
beauty, abundance, and ease
magic and miracles
grace and blessings
Love Notes

Devoted Circle Training
Become an exceptional Space holder
February 14-16, 2025
3 Live Sessions Daily
time: 3-5pm et (NY time)
$5.00 USD
Guide others to powerfully step into their soul work by embracing your ritualist, ceremonialist, and facilitator self. This online event will enhance your knowledge around space holding while also giving you the tools necessary to begin offering circle work as a coach, healer, lightworker, practitioner, and sacred leader.
Sacred Circle was, in a word, life-changing for me. I had gathered in circle with Sora several times, and knew when I saw the offering that it was something I needed… I just had no idea what profound shifts awaited inside. I felt myself grounding into a new awareness, a different model for growth, community, and healing than any I’d previously known. By the time I reached the end, I was feeling the power of circle medicine change the way I approached my work and my life: more integrative, more communal, more magical in a deeply heart-led way. I am more confident and secure in my business and more connected than ever to the divine feminine potential within myself. Circle medicine is powerful, and the Sora’s Sacred Circle is a sacred portal through which that beauty, magic, and power flows.
Gathering with women in sacred space has been a huge part of my life for many years now... going on 11 years, maybe longer (intentionally for 11years). Doing this gave me the courage and inspiration to bring more sacred circle into my work life instead of it just being in my personal life. I now circle up with women in recovery once a week. It's taking our time together to whole another level. They love it! It nourishes their soul. I believe it will increase their healing recovery time and be lasting. It's planting seeds in their consciousness... At the core of most women is a yearning for more ritual and sacred time together.
Sora Schilling shares with her whole heart - her whole Being - without hesitation. To circle in such spaciousness and grace is an immense gift and light to the world. Sacred Circle with Sora has opened my capacity to journey more freely alongside others, sharing my authentic self that had long since been in captivity. I feel more connected, alive, and empowered while woven deeply into a sacred weft of wise, wild {and wonderful} women. THANK YOU, Sora, for opening this portal of awareness and ancient wisdom in such an accessible way. I feel freer and encouraged to step forward in the sovereignty of my own magical Being and presence greater connection within our world.
The circle training was magical. I took it intending to get some new ideas for the monthly women's circle I have been facilitating for a few years, and I got plenty of new, juicy tidbits to weave in. But the magic of circle work didn't stop there. It's been spreading into everything I do - from creating an opening ceremony for yoga teacher training weekends to designing workshops to simple, personal ceremonies, what I gleaned from the course is coming out in my work. And Sora's beautiful energy is with me, too. When I am alone, getting centered, I can hear Sora saying, "Hello sisters!" and I feel as if I am in circle with her, safe and held, and totally able to do this work.
Sora Schilling is a soulful Priestess of the Divine. A conscious curator of women's hears and space, especially in sacred circle. Sora has a uniquely special way of making every woman who comes in contact with her feel that she is the true creatrix of her world. A gifted space holder, business maven and visionary. Sora will guide you to find your true magic within and powerfully use that to create or grow your business to the soul heights and depths you are dreaming of.
Lately I have been ending my yoga classes in circle. There is something undeniably powerful about that shape in general, and about the energy generated from each light that is a human being when we come together in circle. Everyone can see each other and our light and energy move through each other continuously as we share. Removing the veil of separation by coming together with our eyes, hearts, bodies, and energy in circle creates much greater connection and opens us up to hear and be heard. We remember that we are all connected and leave the circle wanting to nurture those connections in the spirit of collaboration and support. Circle is like a big glass of water on a hot day, such a breath of fresh air from the "outside world" which can build up mental, emotional, and even physical toxins. It's like the connection, support, and healing that naturally occurs in circle just washes all of that away and our fears melt away into the sweet warmth of each other's hearts and souls.
I immensely enjoyed the 3 days. They were intense opportunities for me to let go of fears, things that were blocking my potential and to see them ignite into flames. I saw possibilities for changes to occur but that weekend taught me one important lesson and that I was already a Goddess, a Radiant Woman in my own right; with my own power to put forth into this world, either in my family, myself, or in my career. You helped me see that I am a strong, intelligent woman, a wife, caregiver for my children and how blessed my life truly is. I just needed the same devotion for myself, to nurture my soul, and that it was ok to do just that. No guilt! Since being with you in circle, I have been living every day in gratitude and have been able to share more of myself with my family and with other children that I have met along the way. With deep gratitude for having been able to be in sacred circle with you
Sora holds space beautifully, both in person and virtually. She is present, focused, and clear in all she touches with her spiritual dynamite. I found the online experience to be well-structured and easy to follow. It gives you a blueprint to work with, as well as inspiration to add your own unique touches. Working with Sora has allowed me to bring more sacred rituals into my own circles and the spaces I hold for women. After nearly a decade in this field I find Sora’s approach fresh, modern and authentic. I believe it’s the way to bring sacred circle work into the mainstream.
Your teachings leave a lasting imprint of love Sora. You lead by example through your loving interaction with the hearts of women. You embody strength, courage, determination, and joyful beauty. Thank you for inspiring creativity and success in women, through the bond of sisterhood. Through this process, many valuable things take place. Women are able to speak and be heard while being held in a safe space. This is a place of trust to heal and thrive in sisterhood, through love, without judgment. I feel very grateful to have had the opportunity to experience this with you, through circle training. I feel very grounded and quite present after such a beautiful connection with mother earth and my new sisters.
When I first came across Sora, I had no idea what a circle was or how it could benefit my life - but I listened to that feeling deep within my belly that called me to this work and took the plunge. As a woman who craved soulful connections through Sisterhood and desired to play within the realms of Magic I felt I had found my community for the first time in my life. Circle training is a valuable resource for the modern-day priestess looking to expand her magical toolbox, and a guidebook for the divine feminine warrior looking to reclaim the wisdom of her ancestors. Sora guides women back home to themselves through this sacred work. This is more than a class - it is a Community. I would highly recommend this work to any woman looking to deepen her spiritual practices by bringing her own unique medicine into the world.
I started leading sacred circles for women less than a year ago and I needed guidance. To my eyes, the circle practice represents the sacred feminine, whereas the guidelines and the practical issues represent the sacred masculine. In the Sacred Circle, I learned to trust my intuition, while at the same time I deepened into the activities and steps to build up the circle energy and create a safe space.
For the women who have heard the calling of the Sacred Feminine, for all those who wish to guide other women to a journey of their true and radiant self, Sora is a transformational circle holder gifted with the ability to weave the sacred into everyday life. The way she lavishly shares knowledge and resources will make you feel embraced in the arms of sisterhood and held by her loving energy.
Sacred circle training has been jaw-dropping inspiring. Life-changing, moving, and transformational. These trainings have helped women in my community come alive, stand together, and transform into magical women.
The most valuable part of the training received with Sora was the intimate experience. To be able to experience being in circle while learning about circles. The creativity, time, and passion involved behind the scenes must not go unnoticed. Thank you for your passion, love, and transformations. Inspiring one sister at a time.
Sacred Circle was a game-changer for me. And to be clear, I was a willing skeptic to start. Have you ever known that you want, or even need something, yet been abundantly certain it will not work and all the reasons why. That was me, walking up the steps to our circle space. I wanted things I could vaguely name, like connection, and the ability to own my power better. I could not know what was to come because I had not seen the view from that heart-opening vantage point until I arrived. I could not know what I was missing until I found it in circle and only then began to see what I was capable of receiving from others and, most importantly, from myself. Best part, you can't lose it. Once the connection was made, I knew it would change how I opened to women, and how I listened to them, what I dared to say to them. I'm planning my second circle with Sora this year, and I feel like I am planning a reunion with women from some epic childhood camp experience. Imagine this though, because here is the craziest part, I may not know any of these women. I just know what Sora will facilitate, and so I already know that I am about to meet a group of the most important women in my life. Welcome to radical self-love. Like I said, it's a game changer.
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