Is DECS a Strategic Business Decision?


Have you been wondering if Devoted Energy Coaching School is a strategic business decision for you?

Is it worth it? Is it the “right time”? Will you receive a return on your investment?

Oh the questions! How I honor your brain and the knowledge and wisdom that is housed there. Your brain is a wonderful part of you — do not dismiss the questions, the thoughts, the curiosities, the wonderings and uncertainties that arise here Starbeam.

And…none of us on this earth were designed to make decisions from our brain. So, let’s consider this question on a deeper level, going beneath the surface, shall we?

Is Devoted Energy Coaching School a strategic business decision for you?

Really breathe that in, feel it, and notice — what happens in your body? What do you sense? There is no right or wrong here, simply allow yourself to be in this present moment, aware of yourself, your body and your emotions.

As you continue to ground into your breath, follow this question, this curiosity and allow yourself, just for a moment, to be a Devoted Energy Coach.

  • What does it feel like?

  • Are you at home?

  • Does it feel foreign?

  • Do you feel alive?

  • Are you ignited with inspiration?

  • What is occurring for you as you consider, I am a Devoted Energy Coach?

Take a deep breath here and come back to the present moment.

Beautiful. Really honoring all that came up for you Starbeam.

And now that you have moved through your own experience, followed your curiosity, and have possibly come to a deeper understanding of your own answer to this fortuitous question…I have a gift to bestow upon you.

In today’s episode on the Devoted Way Podcast, it brings me great joy to introduce you to Laura, Marlous, Katherine and Jaci — 4 divine GEMS (Galactic Energy Magical Souls) who are here to answer this same question for you today. Each of these incredible humans has either graduated from DECS, or is still inside the container, and they are walking you through their own process of how saying yes to Devoted Energy Coaching School was a strategic business decision for each one of them. Now get ready, because they are sharing some mic drop truths and you are not going to want to miss it!

Remember divine one, no one can really tell you what is best for you. Only you can do that. This is where self responsibility and radical self honesty comes in. Because, it is up to you to truly trust yourself and the truth that is arising within you.

What do you now know after listening to these GEMS pour out their heart and wisdom today?

I’ll leave you with this question as you continue to move throughout your day…

Is Devoted Energy Coaching School a strategic business decision for you?

Percolate on that. Or simply know.

I trust you to make your sovereign decision. To know yourself, what you need, and what your soul is sharing with you. If you now know that Devoted Energy Coaching School is your next strategic business decision, then click here to apply — I look forward to celebrating you as you step through the portal of possibility.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Is Devoted Energy Coaching School a strategic decision for you and your business?

  2. How may becoming a Devoted Energy Coach serve you as a coach, healer, space holder and guide?

  3. What is the one intentional action you can take today that will support the growth of your business?

Loving Invitation

I’d love to know what resonated with you from today’s episode, so go ahead and follow us on Instagram and drop a comment sharing your reflections.

If you would love to deepen into the unknown and expand your skills as a life coach and healer, come take a beautiful 7 month journey inside of Devoted Energy Coaching School. Where you will remember that magic is real and help support your clients be their own healers. You can also subscribe to our newsletter where we provide you with additional support and guidance around energy coaching, spirituality, space holding, leadership and ceremonial gatherings that are unavailable anywhere else.

Thank you for listening and I hope you listen to the next episode!

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Sora Schilling

Sora Schilling is a sacred space holder, strategy alchemist, transformative business coach, powerful medicine woman, energy healer, international retreat leader, inspirational speaker, fire igniter, heart whisperer, and world traveler.

As a spiritual energy coach, Sora is here to guide coaches and luminaries to create a Prosperous New World through energy work, mindset, archetypes, and the DEVOTED Way. It’s time to embody the Well-Thy Wise Woman archetype.

Sora works with sovereign spiritual folks to incorporate the art of feeling sacred on their Cosmic Warrior Priestess path through earth-based practices. She loves to help people embrace their medicine while sitting in ceremony. She leads highly intuitive individuals and groups through powerful experiences in her Devoted Way Initiate journey, Devoted Energy Coaching school, mastermind, on retreats, and from the stage. Sora blends real-world experience with mystical transformation, ritualistic practices, inner reflection, and innovative circle work to help luminaries create great impact within their communities.

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