Circlehood with Tara Tagliaferro


Chapter 12

As we come to the last episode in this season of the Devoted podcast, we honor the flow of the Mother and what she desired for this was for it to be this full and beautiful experience rather than having each episode slowly trickle in. We honor that as we begin, in a sense, a new year with September for many being the start of a school year, that we celebrate a deep reflection of what our past 8 months have been and what we are ready to commit to for the 3 to 4 months before we reach December.

And with that, I have a question. When was the last time you heard the word pretend? Tara so graciously and beautifully walked me through her process and embodiment of pretending and I can honestly say I feel expanded by her words, her essence, her invitation into it. In Tara words, pretending is the bridge to that next level of what we want to step into.

When you think of stepping into something new, often it can feel uncomfortable, unfamiliar, and maybe even out of reach. What I explore with Tara is the idea that pretending provides a different lens to look through and it can be a sort of medicine for the discomfort you feel in stepping out into the unknown. This healthy kind of pretending is your inner child getting curious and it is a permission slip to just go with it and not have to have everything figured out.

Tara is so familiar with the stepping out into the unknown as an actor. To listen to her journey, experiencing it through her eyes, was such a gift. Her desire to bring equity into the stories she sees all around her. To stand up in the face of misogyny. Her devotion to caring for herself and her wellbeing above staying in toxic environments.

P.S. you WILL NOT want to miss the end of this recording where Tara grants us all the greatest gift. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


Your STAR (Stellar Transformational Act of Reverence) challenge is to host a sacred circle in your community or virtually. Share the details here and if you feel called to attend a fellow Starbeam’s circle rather than hosting one yourself, sign up for their circle instead. Take a screenshot of your circle or your registration.

This podcast series is a part of the STAR (Stellar Transformational Act of Reverence) challenge hosted in our Devoted Discord. If you would like to play, join us at

Tara Tagliaferro

Tara Tagliaferro.png

Tara Tagliaferro is a buena strega of the concrete jungle (Queens, NY), globetrotting theatrical artist, and everyday wallflower meeting her morning cocktail of anxiety and figuring out how to still bloom. She is the founder and lead facilitator of The Circlehood, a sacred space for practicing sisterhood and seenery (aka our empathetic sorcery), collective untethering, and antiracism resilience through virtual guided circles, sisterhood membership, and book clubs. Her podcast Down the Yellow Brick Pod with her co-host Emily Kay Shrader preserves and peels "back the curtain" on the wonderful world of Oz as a rich fantasy intersection for multi-generational connection and spiritual relevance. Find her on IG, or buried in a good book.

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Sora Schilling

Sora Schilling is a sacred space holder, strategy alchemist, transformative business coach, powerful medicine woman, energy healer, international retreat leader, inspirational speaker, fire igniter, heart whisperer, and world traveler.

As a spiritual energy coach, Sora is here to guide coaches and luminaries to create a Prosperous New World through energy work, mindset, archetypes, and the DEVOTED Way. It’s time to embody the Well-Thy Wise Woman archetype.

Sora works with sovereign spiritual folks to incorporate the art of feeling sacred on their Cosmic Warrior Priestess path through earth-based practices. She loves to help people embrace their medicine while sitting in ceremony. She leads highly intuitive individuals and groups through powerful experiences in her Devoted Way Initiate journey, Devoted Energy Coaching school, mastermind, on retreats, and from the stage. Sora blends real-world experience with mystical transformation, ritualistic practices, inner reflection, and innovative circle work to help luminaries create great impact within their communities.

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