Sacred Wealth with Leonie Dawson


Chapter 5

Delight. This was such a delightful conversation with Leonie. As an artist, writer and world changer, her energy is energizing and magnetic.

Have you ever been afraid of trying something new? Thinking you won’t stick with it or just talking yourself out of it because it sounds too hard or too far out there? Leonie is exploring 21 day challenges and I absolutely love this idea! I mean you can try anything for 21 days right? Meditation, no social media, yoga, reading, walking, etc.

This led us into Leonie’s relationship with social media, and how she is now completely off social media, and loving it! It’s curious to think about isn’t it? Not being so attached to socials. What would it feel like to not be constantly checking Instagram? What would you do with your time? What would you have the space for? Leonie has more time and space for her creative endeavors and is communicating more with her email list where she is having more real conversations now that social media is pulling away her attention and energy.

When you think about wealth, what comes to mind? Do you ever think about your well being as an integral piece of building and sustaining wealth? Leonie chats with us about building wealth and how that has allowed her to serve herself, her family and her world in more ethical and aligned ways. It makes me think about what our world will be like as each of us build and sustain our own wealth. Think of the prosperous new world we will create on an individual and collective level as we each enter into deeper service and alignment as we build our wealth.


Your Stellar Transformational Act of Reverence today is to Love it Forward Today (LIFT). That could be paying for the next person’s coffee at your Starbucks drive through or leaving a note expressing your appreciation inside of your mailbox for your letter carrier, or cutting some flowers and leaving them on someone’s car windshield. Get creative and post a photo below so that we can oh and ah. Go ahead and share inside of our Devoted community. Click the below link to enter.

This podcast series is a part of the STAR (Stellar Transformational Act of Reverence) challenge hosted in our Devoted Discord. If you would like to play, join us at

Leonie Dawson

Leonie Dawson.png

Leonie Dawson is an internationally best-selling author of her yearly goal planner workbooks, which have helped over 400,000 people worldwide set & achieve their life & business goals.
Leonie has generated over $10 million in revenue while only working 10 hours a week. She spends her time dreaming big dreams, painting everything in sight with her two daughters, perving on her husband, and reading 400 books a year.

Leonie is a passionate philanthropist. She is in the top 1% of Kiva lenders worldwide, has donated over $40,000 to a Kenyan children’s organisation, has built a library in Vietnam & helped build a six room school in Ghana, among other projects.

Leonie is the winner of AusMumpreneur’s Global Brand Award, Businesses Making A Difference Award and People’s Choice Business Coach. She currently lives on the Sunshine Coast in Australia. Leonie uses she/they pronouns.

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Sora Schilling

Sora Schilling is a sacred space holder, strategy alchemist, transformative business coach, powerful medicine woman, energy healer, international retreat leader, inspirational speaker, fire igniter, heart whisperer, and world traveler.

As a spiritual energy coach, Sora is here to guide coaches and luminaries to create a Prosperous New World through energy work, mindset, archetypes, and the DEVOTED Way. It’s time to embody the Well-Thy Wise Woman archetype.

Sora works with sovereign spiritual folks to incorporate the art of feeling sacred on their Cosmic Warrior Priestess path through earth-based practices. She loves to help people embrace their medicine while sitting in ceremony. She leads highly intuitive individuals and groups through powerful experiences in her Devoted Way Initiate journey, Devoted Energy Coaching school, mastermind, on retreats, and from the stage. Sora blends real-world experience with mystical transformation, ritualistic practices, inner reflection, and innovative circle work to help luminaries create great impact within their communities.

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